Team check-in instructions
Coaches please review your Coach Virtual Check-in Instructions.
- All teams will check-in one hour prior to their first starting time. If your first game is on fields 1-6, your team will check-in at the north tent. If your first game is on fields 7-10, your team will check-in at the south tent.
- All coaches and players must be present together at team check-in.
- Players must be in uniform, wearing cleats and shin guards at check-in.
- Coaches will present the tournament official with players cards in alphabetical order by last name.
- Tournament officials will check that each player is wearing appropriate equipment, will confirm game card matches player cards and player cards match players.
- Each confirmed player and coach will get a tournament bracelet that must be worn throughout the tournament. No bracelet, no play! Do not take it off Saturday night! Team officials must wear the bracelet to be in the coaches technical area. All other individuals must be on the spectator side of the field.
- Late arriving players must be escorted to the check-in station by a team official and be cleared by the Tournament Staff before participating in any games.