Coach Virtual Check-in Instructions
This year there will be no in-person check-in on Friday evening. All coaches must check-in online by completing steps 1 & 2 below by Monday evening before the tournament weekend (4/17 for the girls; 4/24 for the boys). Check-in procedures:
- Enter your roster in GotSport (we will print these out so our volunteers only use one format at team check-in). See: Assigning players to an official Rostering Event.
- Upload a copy of your official roster signed by your club president, commissioner, registrar or equivalent (we will compare this to the GotSport roster). See: Uploading Documents for Online Check-in.
- DO NOT UPLOAD PLAYER CARDS - Bring your player cards to team check-in one hour prior to your first scheduled game time. Provide them to tournament officials in alphabetical order by last name (this will speed up the team check-in process).